- Adgitize begins to award points for forum posts
- Michael Savage's new book Trickle Up Poverty
is released
- A Postcard a Day becomes a Google "Blog of Note"
- Unemployment remains constant 9.6% from last month.
Adgitize Awards Points for Forum Posts
Beginning last weekend, Ken and the others at Adgitize announced that they would award up to 100 points per day to those who wrote Forum Entries. To earn these, you have to write: one 200 word post, two 100 word posts, or a number of smaller entries. Having this ability to earn these extra points has helped many of us increase our earnings by moving into different brackets. And, Adgitize has gained by engaging dialog on their website.
Trickle Up Poverty is Released
My favorite conservative talk show host, Michael Savage, has written a new book that hit the book shelves this week: Trickle Up Poverty. The main theme of the book describes his 37 points for saving America by "Stopping Obama's Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security" (taken from the cover). In just days, the book has sold out at most locations and is being restocked. If you're worried about the current political direction of America, you've got to read this book.
You can listen to Michael on WOR 710 FM or on stations across the country. Other books he's written are:
Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder: Savage Solutions
The Enemy Within: Saving America from the Liberal Assault on Our Churches, Schools, and Military
A Postcard a Day Becomes a Blog of Note
As I was reading the CMF forums today, I found that our friend Sheila's blog: A Postcard a Day is today's Google entry on Blogs of Note. It's great to see that one of our own has made it to the Big Time and is recognized by readers across the country. We're proud you you Sheila!
Unemployment Remains at a Constant 9.6%
Many news broadcasters were predicting that last month's unemployment figures would top 10%. But in a stunning announcement, we learned that U.S. Unemployment has remained level with last months 9.6% rate. This is great news: for the Democratic Party who is facing unprecedented challengers in next month's mid-term election; and for all of us because we know that our economy hasn't gotten any worse.
With so many uncertainties in the world today, it refreshing to receive good bits of news from varying sources. To me, this surely was a Great Week for Congratulations!
Thank you so much for mentioning me. :) Being a Blog of Note came as a complete shock and continued that way for several days. It all came upon me a bit too suddenly. It's only now that I can breathe a sigh of relief that it's all over. I've spent the last weeks spam-fighting, as well as answering comments and visiting visitors.