Friday, October 29, 2010

We The People

The Preamble of the Declaration of Independence asserts:
  • We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
  • That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
And Article 1 Section 2 of the Constitution begins:
  • The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, ...

So it is that the 2010 election of the entire House of Representatives and  37 Senators will be held on Tuesday November 2nd. To the majority of the citizens, this election is their opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with their elected government.  For most of past two years, the Representatives have willfully ignored the desires of the people, and now is the time of judgment.

The House breakdown as presented by the Washington Post Campaign 2010: House Races indicates that 41 representatives are running in uncontested elections. Democratic incumbents outnumber Republicans by nearly a 2 to 1 margin; and 45 seats are open to all.
  • 10 Unopposed Democrats
  • 223 Democratic incumbents
  • 45 Open seats
  • 126 Republican incumbents
  • 31 Unopposed Republicans
From the Senate viewpoint, the Washington Post Campaign 2010: Senate Races indicate that 40 of the 101 seats are democrats who are not up for reelection. Conversely, only 23 Republicans are not facing the electorate.
  • 40 Democrats - no election
  • 6 Safe Democrats
  • 2 Leaning Democratic
  • 8 Toss ups
  • 10 Leaning Republican
  • 11 Safe Republicans
  • 23 Republicans - no election

And, America is ready to change the direction of the country. According to Rasmussen, 65% Favor Getting Rid of Entire Congress and Starting Over. Particularly vulnerable is the Democratic Party who hold the majorities in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Worried they should be. This is the group who obeyed the Presidents orders, and ignored the will of the people by passing their Heath Care Reform, Tarp, Banking Reform, and more. These are the folks who support support Holder's indecisiveness for Trying the Detainees and paying exorbitant legal fees.

But according to many, the Republicans and Tea Party candidates may fail in their bid to capture either or both of the Houses.

Why? Because uncontrolled voter fraud, which has already been reported in Colorado, Arizona, Washington, and Texas, may succeed in stacking the ballot boxes in favor of the Democratic Party. Just review the video below, and see why we're at peril.

Concerns About Voter Fraud Video

Should these allegations be found to be true, and if the Democratic Party wins, very little judicial action will be taken by our Justice Department. We have already witnessed the actions of this department in attempting to nullify the Arizona Laws and voters.

So to leave this discussion, we provide you with dissenting viewpoints as illustrated on billboards across the country. Why yes, the American public is frustrated by: being ignored; having no jobs; forced to pay taxes to keep the elected officials in luxury; ignoring terrorists; handing out entitlements; and lastly our elected officials.

Yes, We The People will visit the voting booths next Tuesday and exert our right to abolish and/or alter the political composition of our Electorate.
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Friday, October 22, 2010

OpenSky Followup - Stocking: The Blogsters Gift Shop with Merchandise

Last week we indicated that we joined OpenSky, a new venture designed to facilitate the buying and selling of merchandise.

The concept is very simple. Suppliers, merchants, manufacturers, or designers post their products on the OpenSky distribution system.

Then, Sellers, such as The Blogsters Gift Shop, select the items from the available inventory and offer them to the public via the free Store facility that every OpenSky seller is given.

This mechanism is quite simple, because those on the Supplier side gain a diverse Sales force who can target products to their own social circles.

Since joining, we learned that stocking our individual stores is rather easy. Once you have created your account and store, you are ready to sell. First you must be logged in to the OpenSky system. Next, you search for items to sell by entering a keyword in the search box. Look down the list of items, and when you see what you would like to sell, press the "Sell This" button.

Now you are ready to sell the item to your friends. Simply copy the short URL link, and press the "Share on Facebook and Twitter" link. Type in a message and paste your link and send the message.

Magically, the item will be added to your store. Below are examples of four new products we have added for the Christmas Season.

New Products for Sale at Our Store

Jennifer Carroll Santa Gift Cards

Poinsettia Holiday Runner
Holiday Gift Box
Moncalin Flat-Cats

So, if you are jewelery designer, or maker of something you want to sell, add it to OpenSky.

Or, if you are just looking for ways to make some money, try selling the OpenSky products.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

The Blogsters Gift Shop - My OpenSky Store

After seeing a post on Blogger Buzz, I've joined Open Sky. In doing so, I created my account and a store:

Since I'm still discovering how this works, I've only added one item for now:

Start & Operate Your Own Home-Based Business DVD - Buy Now

When adding an item, we have the ability to "Grab the link", and "Grab the HTML". So I've included both. The first I defined as an image, and the second is simply a hyperlink. (We'll see if the item image displays, at present it doesn't).

Once the account is set up, you are asked to create a store. That process is fairly simple. You need to make up your store a name, a Open Sky mail address, identify the type of items you're interested in selling, and upload a picture of yourself. Next, you have to enter your real mailing information which tells Open Sky where to send your earnings.

After that, you have to add items to sell in your store. There is a search box in the upper right. You must use it to start the browsing process. For example, enter the word "Kitchen" or "Gift".

Once done, you'll see a list of items. When you see something you like, click on the image. Then, press the Sell this button on the next page.

At that point, a little pop-up will appear and you have to copy the links to your blog post.

Next, you have to publish your post, and tell Open Sky the URL of that post.

In order to make everything work, you will need to install a javascript OpenSky distributed cart. From the help page, it says this code is currently unavailable. It tells us to contact them, so that is what I'm going to do.

So this is where I am at.

Hopefully, I'll be all set up by next week and can report back to you the final steps.


Friday, October 8, 2010

A Great Week for Congratulations to Adgitize, Michael Savage, A Postcard a Day, Unemployment

Four great things happened this first week of October 2010. In order of occurrence (but not necessarily of importance) were:
  1. Adgitize begins to award points for forum posts
  2. Michael Savage's new book Trickle Up Poverty is released
  3. A Postcard a Day becomes a Google "Blog of Note"
  4. Unemployment remains constant 9.6% from last month.

Adgitize Awards Points for Forum Posts
Beginning last weekend, Ken and the others at Adgitize announced that they would award up to 100 points per day to those who wrote Forum Entries. To earn these, you have to write: one 200 word post, two 100 word posts, or a number of smaller entries. Having this ability to earn these extra points has helped many of us increase our earnings by moving into different brackets. And, Adgitize has gained by engaging dialog on their website.

Trickle Up Poverty is Released

My favorite conservative talk show host, Michael Savage, has written a new book that hit the book shelves this week: Trickle Up Poverty. The main theme of the book describes his 37 points for saving America by "Stopping Obama's Attack on Our Borders, Economy, and Security" (taken from the cover). In just days, the book has sold out at most locations and is being restocked. If you're worried about the current political direction of America, you've got to read this book.

You can listen to Michael on WOR 710 FM or on stations across the country. Other books he's written are:

Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder: Savage Solutions

The Enemy Within: Saving America from the Liberal Assault on Our Churches, Schools, and Military

A Postcard a Day Becomes a Blog of Note
As I was reading the CMF forums today, I found that our friend Sheila's blog: A Postcard a Day is today's Google entry on Blogs of Note. It's great to see that one of our own has made it to the Big Time and is recognized by readers across the country. We're proud you you Sheila!

Unemployment Remains at a Constant 9.6%
Many news broadcasters were predicting that last month's unemployment figures would top 10%. But in a stunning announcement, we learned that U.S. Unemployment has remained level with last months 9.6% rate. This is great news: for the Democratic Party who is facing unprecedented challengers in next month's mid-term election; and for all of us because we know that our economy hasn't gotten any worse.

With so many uncertainties in the world today, it refreshing to receive good bits of news from varying sources. To me, this surely was a Great Week for Congratulations! 
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Friday, October 1, 2010

CMF Spikes Rock!

During this past week, I decided to experiment with the CMF ads Spike advertising feature to see if I get a boost in traffic.

For those who don't know, a CMF member can purchase 50 Spikes for $0.20. Each spike is worth a single visit from a participating member. After you receive 50 visits, the spikes are gone.

In my case, a set of spikes lasted one day, so I kept buying Spikes for each of the past 7 days.

To my surprise, I discovered that: CMF Spikes Rock! Nearly 40 of the 50 spike visits were registered as actual visits by Google Analytics. By comparison, very few of the Adgitize visits are registered.

Thus, I will probably continue to purchase Spikes for a while as this advertising tool helps to increase my blog's traffic.

Thanks CMF,

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