This lavish gala was a tribute to Motown founder Berry Gordy and the early performers who shattered the color barriers of the day and became superstars of our culture. As this year's Black History Month comes to a close, the "Peoples House", as it is now called, was opened to a select audience that included young music students from across the country.
In the video below, First Lady Michelle Obama begins the event by welcoming Smokey Robinson, John Legend, Berry Gordy and others to the White House crowd in attendance.
According to Mail Online the event was held in the East Room and funded by the taxpayers. Included in the diverse set of performers and audience were a variety of previous campaign contributors. The official video of the performance will be aired on March 1st on PBS.
To avoid the harsh conservative criticism that the Obama's Super Bowl party received, last night's menu was not published to the public. However, since yesterday was also National Chili Day, we're sure that varieties of chili were served along with health portions of carrots and celery sticks.
We applaud the First Family for recognizing these early music pioneers at a time the world is in turmoil. It is often important to take a break. We look forward to viewing the edited version of the performance on TV and are pleased to see where our tax dollars are going.