In short, the new EC management believes that the number of Entrecard Credits has been growing too rapidly. This growth, which they call Inflation, will lead to EC's being worth less and less.
To combat this Inflation, Entrecard is instituting a new policy beginning September 1st 2009:
Only EC Droppers will receive 1 credit.
Previously, both the dropper and the Blog receiving the visit received a credit.
Many of those who replied to their blog post were supportive of this move, but we believe this action underscores the EC position: All for Me, and None for You!
Why do we think this way? Consider these facts:
- Previously, EC members received credit for daily blog posts. This has been eliminated.
- While advertising costs has remained the same, EC takes 3/4 of the price of the ads and puts them in their own coffers. For example: if you pay 256 to advertise your blog, only 64 credits are given to the displaying site, the other 192 are kept by EC.
When this new policy is implemented, we believe there will be less incentive for Blog owners to purchase ads since they won't get anything back for advertising!
While EC is still a good place for beginner Bloggers, we believe that these new reductions will pursuade seasoned members into becoming less and less active. Eventually, the decline in EC activity and membership (because of their inherent greed) will have more of a deflating effect on the remaining EC credits than worrying about the inflated growth of a ficticious economy.
What do you think?